woensdag 23 februari 2011

A New Super Mario Bros Experience

In the past, all Super Mario games are participated by one character at a time. But even if this was the case, the Super Mario Bros game has been very successful in making happy customers. And because the developers of Super Mario thinks of nothing but giving excitement and fun to the whole family, they have developed a New Super Mario Bros game that will surely change the gaming experience of Super Mario fanatics forever.

The New Super Mario Bros game is filled with new additions. These include new power ups, new worlds, new strategies and a new option for playing – the multiplayer mode. The multiplayer mode is one of the new additions in the Super Mario franchise. In this mode, there can be a maximum of 4 players that can be used in the game including Mario, Luigi, and two toads.

An exciting game in this new addition to the Super Mario family is the Mario vs. Luigi mode. In this mode, the two brothers will be competing to collect stars. The more stars you have, the more chances that you will win the game. When a competitor has grabbed more stars than you, all you have to do is to inflict some damage on him and he will be dropping some of the stars that he collected. Once this happens, you can collect the stars he dropped for yourself which you can use to gain advantage.

This new addition to the popular Super Mario Bros game will surely be a first for all Mario fans out there. Video game enthusiasts can also visit the official website of the game to get more information about this new addicting addition.

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