woensdag 23 februari 2011

Co-Star Mode in Super Mario Galaxy

The Super Mario Galaxy has made additional improvements to the classic game. The new design of the game is customized for the co-star mode or the cooperative mode of game play. With this option, you can have a family member or a friend help you out as you travel across the galaxy to conquer new levels.

In co-star mode, you can ask them to play as your co-star luma. Being a co-star luma has many functions which are essential to the overall success of playing the game. By having a co-pilot help you out, he or she can shoot down enemies with the star bits that you collect, get a hold of the extra coins that you earn, pin down some of the notorious enemies of Super Mario and spin. Spinning would help you beat your foes and would contribute a lot to the overall success of your adventure.

Another challenge that is so exciting in the Super Mario Galaxy is the search for the power star. It would be difficult to locate this on your own therefore you need someone to guide you. Just by going and stumbling with the cosmic guide for a certain number of times, the cosmic spirit will appear. She can be described as someone beautiful and wise, and she is the only one who can help you activate the cosmic guide. You have to remember that the main goal in Super Mario Galaxy is to locate the power star and you can only do this with the help of the cosmic guide.

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